
Why Trust MLI Translations?

Master's Degree in Translation

Ms. Irwin received a master's degree in translation for German > English and Russian > English from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee in December 2020. 

CAT Tool Certification

Ms. Irwin is well-versed in SDL Trados Studio and MemoQ. She has earned her SDL Trados Studio Certification Levels 1, 2, and 3. In addition, she has earned her MemoQ Certification Level 1. Ms. Irwin understands the importance of using technology to ensure accurate and consistent translations.

Member of the ATA 

Ms. Irwin has been a member of the American Translators Association) since 2019. The ATA membership provides continuing professional development that will ensure MLI Translations stays at the forefront of the language services industry.

Extensive Experience Abroad

Ms. Irwin has lived in Germany, Russia, and Kazakhstan. In addition, she has interned with translation agencies in Germany and Russia. MLI Translations is finely attuned to the cultural differences and best business practices in the English-, German-, and Russian-speaking worlds.

Looking for Ms. Irwin's resume? Look no further!